awesome fact

  • fact: Avantajul omului inteligent este ca poate face pe prostul ori de cate ori are chef.
  • fact: Ce bine e când nu te grăbești.Ce bine e să nu fi stresat.Ce bine e să te regăsești.Ce bine e să fii fericit!
  • fact: Fictiune: “De ce da un caine din coada? Pentru ca este mai destept decat coada. Daca ar fi coada mai desteapta, ar da ea din caine”. (Wag the Dog)
  • fact: I am on the waiting list-shortlisted.
  • fact: I got ,,pufuleti cu ciocolata''today from one of my colleagues :)
  • fact: Nu uitați efectul de bumerang! Oferiți doar ceea ce ați dori să primiți!
  • fact: The world ain't fair, but you can be!
  • fact: Today I had my 1st paycheck at the new job-yummy
  • fact:Dragostea inseamna superioritatea imaginatiei fata de inteligenta.
  • fact:Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
  • fact:Fashion is all about fun!
  • FACT:pretuirea simplitatii, a integritatii, a adevarului, a onestitatii, a unicitatii
  • fact:Your heart is a place to draw true happiness. <3 | Trust your intuition. The universe is guiding your life

Saturday, March 1, 2008

August rush

Listen! Can you hear it? The music... i can hear it everywhere, in the wind, in the air, in everything that surrounds's everywhere i walk, talk and i go; and the light- it's all around us... so bright and beautiful!
All you have to do is open yourself up and Listen! Can you hear it? can you feel it? When i'm alone it builds up from inside me...and i think if i could learn how to play it- they might hear me, they would know i was theirs and then find me.
Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you...but i believe in music, the way that other people believe in fairy tales; don't give up fighting, never give up your dreams!
i like to imagine that every man in this world can have something good in one is bad, but they are and i can't change that...they should dispose everything mean, but not everybody can be saved or maybe doesn't want to be saved...I believe that once upon a time, not long ago we heard the music and followed her. I know ...yet i don't...i complicate everything by thinking to much or too little...

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