awesome fact

  • fact: Avantajul omului inteligent este ca poate face pe prostul ori de cate ori are chef.
  • fact: Ce bine e când nu te grăbești.Ce bine e să nu fi stresat.Ce bine e să te regăsești.Ce bine e să fii fericit!
  • fact: Fictiune: “De ce da un caine din coada? Pentru ca este mai destept decat coada. Daca ar fi coada mai desteapta, ar da ea din caine”. (Wag the Dog)
  • fact: I am on the waiting list-shortlisted.
  • fact: I got ,,pufuleti cu ciocolata''today from one of my colleagues :)
  • fact: Nu uitați efectul de bumerang! Oferiți doar ceea ce ați dori să primiți!
  • fact: The world ain't fair, but you can be!
  • fact: Today I had my 1st paycheck at the new job-yummy
  • fact:Dragostea inseamna superioritatea imaginatiei fata de inteligenta.
  • fact:Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
  • fact:Fashion is all about fun!
  • FACT:pretuirea simplitatii, a integritatii, a adevarului, a onestitatii, a unicitatii
  • fact:Your heart is a place to draw true happiness. <3 | Trust your intuition. The universe is guiding your life

Monday, February 6, 2012

role play,,,

Here I am ...once again feeling like there's nothing to say, to
feel .
feeling peaceful and calm like a hawaian water . Oh, like babies
like the quiet lessons I like this one. this peaceful state of mind and
these nice memories that come back into our minds once again .
we are here together , it's gonna get better and better. it has been way to
long since sth good has to happen!
It was supposed to
take a lil bit longer, but I intend to change that ...we can change it
together !!! It's an awesome feeling this I feel right now!wish you
were here!
Wish this life could have been different concerning us!
You have someone new,I do to! But still laying here still wishing
you'd be here. Getting all cose and fuzzy under your strong arms and
you'r tequila lips.

Sent from my iPhone

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it...

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